"Chasydzkie powroty do miejsc nie-zapomnianych".
Prezentujemy album ze zdjęciami autorstwa Agnieszki Traczewskiej który Studio Design wydało wspólnie z Narodowym Centrum Kultury. Izabela Jurczyk była współautorem projektu graficznego a za skład całości odpowiadało Studio Design. Oficjalna premiera albumu 15.01.2018 w Muzeum POLIN.
A' Design Award Winner 2016 Gold
• Exspace
• OOH magazine
• signs.pl
• wyborcza.pl
• Wawa Design Festiwal
Studio Design has got a successful track record of:
• creating brands of new products and assisting in reviving the image of already existing brands
• designing catalogues
• designing advertising materials and ephemera
• taking part in all sorts of activities connected with paper and printing
• designing and producing promotional and advertising materials for leading international and domestic paper manufacturers, in particular, original designs of product range catalogues and calendars
• designing unusual and intriguing art albums
• earning recognition at international design competitions (in Poland, United States, Germany, and Serbia)
Our Clients are offered a comprehensive and active support in creating their image.
We plan and organise: • events • business fairs • conferences • thematic workshops • unconventional activities that reinforce the image.
We design and produce logos with corporate brand books, visual identification systems for companies and products, prints that reinforce product identity, advertising products and materials dedicated to specific brands.
We always welcome new challenges and use our best knowledge and experience in design.
Ready to start your next project with STUDIO DESIGN? That's great!
Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!